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HP calculators for students in Idaho? - Printable Version

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HP calculators for students in Idaho? - hpnut - 10-24-2012

I saw this news.


I don't recognize the calculator in the photo. Is it even an HP? Is RPN going to be mainstream calculator for Idaho kids?

Re: HP calculators for students in Idaho? - Joerg Woerner - 10-24-2012

Neither HP nor RPN - just a plain TI-30Xa.

Cheers, Joerg

Re: HP calculators for students in Idaho? - Eddie W. Shore - 10-26-2012

I concur, the calcualtor is a TI-30Xa.

Re: HP calculators for students in Idaho? - Don Shepherd - 10-26-2012

Giving every high school kid in the school district a laptop computer will achieve only two things, neither of which is desired:

  1. it will give the kid yet another electronic device to play with
  2. it will waste a whole lot of taxpayer dollars

Throwing "technology" at schools does not increase the learning of students.

Re: HP calculators for students in Idaho? - Ethan Conner - 10-26-2012

Sounds like more "empowering with resources"......ugh.

Re: HP calculators for students in Idaho? - Eddie W. Shore - 10-26-2012

Technology, with the right attitude towards using them, is awesome. The laptop is a tool just like everything else.