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Clamshell Battery Contact Repair - Printable Version

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Clamshell Battery Contact Repair - aj04062 - 02-22-2012

I have worked this part out in my sheetmetal shop:

I propose making it from .024 Stainless Steel. I think I can offer it @ about $20 as this would cover the setup and hand bending costs (the radius has to be done by hand)

This cost could come down if I knew my batch would sell out or I should setup and make more. I have 3 interested folks, Kerem, Nigel and David. Are there anymore?

Edited: 23 Feb 2012, 8:27 p.m. after one or more responses were posted

Re: Clamshell Battery Contact Repair - David Griffith - 02-22-2012

I might be interested in maybe five of them. One for me and four to resell on ebay.

Re: Clamshell Battery Contact Repair - BobVA - 02-22-2012

Picture isn't showing up for me....

Re: Clamshell Battery Contact Repair - Marcus von Cube, Germany - 02-23-2012

Neither for me. I get an error from Google Mail when I try to open it directly.

Re: Clamshell Battery Contact Repair - Kerem Kapkin (Silicon Valley, CA) - 02-23-2012

Here is the picture I have from Adam [Link]

Re: Clamshell Battery Contact Repair - Paul Dale - 02-23-2012

I'd be interested in one too I think.

I love my 28S but the battery door surround broke a very long time ago.

- Pauli

Re: Clamshell Battery Contact Repair - Bart (UK) - 02-23-2012

I'm interested as well, particularly if the price came down I'd be interested in 2.

Re: Clamshell Battery Contact Repair - Ingo Paschke - 02-23-2012

I'd be interested in two.

Re: Clamshell Battery Contact Repair - aj04062 - 02-23-2012

Thanks Kerem.

Okay, I'll get these going. I'll update on the price. I hope to do for less than $20.

Re: Clamshell Battery Contact Repair - BruceH - 02-23-2012

How does it work? Does the whole thing fit into the battery compartment or does it go around the outside of the calculator?

Re: Clamshell Battery Contact Repair - BobVA - 02-23-2012

Thanks for the picture update. Any possibility it could have a black finish?


Re: Clamshell Battery Contact Repair - aj04062 - 02-23-2012

I'll check out with my plating guy if he can apply a black oxide finish to these. That would look pretty nice.