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Misleading ebay auction using HP Museum photos - Printable Version

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Misleading ebay auction using HP Museum photos - Mike - 03-02-2007

Two problems with the auction. He describes it as near perfect like new and shows such a 71B. But the 71B is an HP Museum photo, with card reader.

No card reader is included AND the actual 71B is dented and scratched. Be careful!

Not Near Perfect 71B

Edited: 2 Mar 2007, 5:04 p.m.

Re: Misleading ebay auction using HP Museum photos - Opotente - 03-02-2007

Thanks a lot Mike! Is it possible to report this to Ebay?

Re: Misleading ebay auction using HP Museum photos - Mike - 03-02-2007

Misleading auctions are hard to report. EBay likely wouldn't even understand. However, using someone else's photos is a violation and easy to prove.

However, again, he has fixed the auction and stated there is no card reader and included a note about the dent. But some will still miss these points, I suspect.

Interesting Response from seller - Allen - 03-04-2007

FWIW. I wrote him about the copyrighted pictures he lifted from Dave's website and recommended that he relist the item with the same price he had, but with the newly added (actual) pictures and description, and without the "borrowed" MoHP picture.

After a discussion where he accused me of jealousy, fear, etc.. he insisted that I was the one who posted the original link for this thread, and proceeded to ammend his NEW listing with the following accusatory note (mistaking me for mike):

This item was up for auction earlier but due to another Ebay member who has the same calculator for sale and complained (probably Feared mine selling and his would not) about one of the pictures which I got from another site. So due to his crying and contacting the web site author, I had to end the auction and re-list this item. Some never grow up. To those of you, who bid on this item earlier, please accept my apologies for the unannounced ending of previous auction.

I wrote stating that although I disagree with his picture theft, I had nothing to do with contacting MoHP or this forum thread, I had no personal interest, just trying to save him the trouble of misleading pictures (especially since I was also a bidder). And asked how my recommendation merited this additional paragraph to which he responded with more name-calling (again claiming that I started this MoHP thread):

Do me a FAVOR.
You are getting on my last nerve.
Plus you are a lier.
I have a copy of the message you sent to opotente.
Title: Misleading ebay auction using HP Museum photos.
Posted on 2 Mar 2007, @ 5:03 p.m. by Mike.
Reply Posted By: opotente on 2 Mar 2007 @ 7:20P.m.
I guess you think you are GODS answer to correcting the entire world. What you need to do is mind your own business and stay out of peoples affairs you have no knowledge of. Clean your own house before you try to cleaning someone elses. (LIER)(CRYBABY)(METICHE)You are probably one of the invert types which can't fit society so you hide behind your gadgets and computer to live your life. So do us all a favor GO-AWAY.

I frequently write to people about stealing pictures from my website, and find it ironic that I have never had this kind of response regarding Copyright infringement. I know Dave has put a lot of work into this website and MoHP DVD's. I appreciate mike's attention, and gladly accept the names if that's what it takes.

Re: Interesting Response from seller - Les Wright - 03-04-2007

I have only one thing to say to all this:



No metiche, he - Don Shepherd - 03-04-2007

Allen, I always thought you were a METICHE, this just confirms it! How can I be one too?

Don :-)

Re: Interesting Response from seller - Howard Owen - 03-04-2007

METICHE in all caps? What does that mean?

Musty Electronics Takes In Collector's Heart Eagerly

Massive Emotional Tantrum In Childish Haunt: eBay

Mendacious Entrepreneur/TI Collector Has Embolism

Misleading Electronic Tale Is Called Home Eventually

Museum's Ephemera Taken. Is Caught Handily: Eruption


Re: Interesting Response from seller - Ron - 03-05-2007

Sold it for $220.

Re: Interesting Response from seller - metiche def'n - Jim Creybohm - 03-05-2007

From on line dictionary:


Definición | Sinónimos | Conjugator
En Francés | En Portugués
in context | images

meterete, metete, metiche LAm fam
I adjetivo nosy

II m,f busybody

- Diccionario Espasa Concise: Español-Inglés English-Spanish
© Espasa-Calpe, S.A., Madrid 2000