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Help ! Calculation with a constant on HP-48GX - Printable Version

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Help ! Calculation with a constant on HP-48GX - J.M. Lecointre - 11-27-2006


I haven't found in the User's Guide the way to do a calculation with a constant factor (for example "2x") on an HP-48GX, such as "2x 3.1415, 2x 4.45566, 2x 3217, 2x ..." for an undeterminate number of values ?
I think one must need to use the stack, but how ?

(On my CASIO FX-602P, I just enter this sequence : "2 x x" and then "3.1415 ="; "4.445566 ="; "3217 ="; "n="; ... Which is very easy ! But I also want to knwo how to do it on my HP's)

Thanks for your help.

Re: Help ! Calculation with a constant on HP-48GX - Gene - 11-27-2006

Create a program on the 48gx.

<< X * >>

where X is your constant.

Store this in a variable, perhaps CNST

Press VAR

Key in your first value and press CNST.

Key in your next value and press CNST.


The previous values will be in the stack or you can drop them as needed.

At least, that's what I'd do.

Re: Help ! Calculation with a constant on HP-48GX - John Mosand - 11-28-2006

My 48SX came with a constant function on the VAR menu. Enter the constant and hit KONS. Then enter the first factor and hit FAKT. The product appears on the stack. Enter the second factor and hit FAKT. The product appears on the stack. And so forth...
Enter another constant with the KONS.

Re: Help ! Calculation with a constant on HP-48GX - Les Bell - 11-28-2006

On my CASIO FX-602P, I just enter this sequence : "2 x x" and then "3.1415 ="; "4.445566 ="; "3217 ="; "n="; ... Which is very easy !

Gee, that's logical. . . It demonstrates really nicely why I detest algebraic calculators, especially with their one-sheet "instruction manuals".

Compare with Gene's logical and - once you've seen it - obvious technique, which is easy to understand and to extend.


--- Les
