Greetings all, I am wondering where, or whether, it is possible to find the accuracy and precision data for HP calculators' internal functions, compared to some gold standard.
For example, when on my HP42S in radians mode I calculate sin(1)= 8.414170984808E-1, how do I know every single of those 12 digits is correct? And correct compared to what?
This is why I ask. As largely an academic exercise I have been trying to extend the rational function approximations of the cumulative normal distribution found in Abramowitz and Stegun (in turn based on approximations of the error function given in Cecil Hastings' Approximations for Digital Computers) in order to lower the absolute error a couple of more decimal places. I have used a Levenberg-Marquart curve-fitting routine I wrote for Maple some years back to extend Hastings' approximations by a few more terms in the polynomial denominator, using as the "gold standard" in this case the Maple's built-in erf() routine and a few hundred points of this curve. I run the estimates with 16 or more significant digits, but round the resulting coefficients to 12 digits for use in my HP calculators. With a little transformation of the independent variable, I have a rational function like the Hastings ones that computes the cumulative normal probability distribution for positive arguments with an absolute error of at worst about 2.7e-9 and usually quite a bit better.
In my HP48GX emulators, I want to see how this measures up compared to that calculator's related built in function--basically, I want to see how MyFunction(z) compares with what it purports to approximate, << -> z << 0 1 z NEG UTPN >> >>, when z >= 0. But, for the comparison to make sense, I need to know how much faith I can put in the accuracy and precision of the HP48G's internal routine for UTPN. Is it accurate? Compared to what? When 12 digits are returned to me, are all "correct" according to some gold standard, or are only the first 9 or 10 valid, and the rest "noise"?
I don't know if HP makes such technical info routinely available to the user and programmer, but if so is it around to be found?