Dear friends,
Does anyone has encountered bugs using IFB1.8 optimized for the HP49G+'s new display?
The IFB1.5 works fine on my HP48GX and it's is far the best Inform creator for the HP's ever made. But I could not run as expected on my HP49G+ (ROM revison #2.00)
The problem:
I create a full 2 columns by 4 rows( 8 labels and 8 data fields being the last 2 a listfield type) but when I run the compiled code inside a UserRPN program, it doesn't shows the labels in the fourth row. It shows only the data fields(ListFields)in the same 4th row. I noticed that I just get the fourth row labels if I move it up near the 3th row. I had installed twice both extable and IFB1.8 but the problem still remains.
Is it a bug or I missed something?
Thanks in advance,
Marx Pio