from someone else with a very limited English, I believe collectors will prevail anytime, as long as mankind exist. For the matter of calculators, it's just the spark that matters. We here, were the spark that started calling attention for them.
Let's think about it: what sort of stuff is ellected to be a collectible item? Stamps? Telphone cards? I was never told about someone who collect, say, clothes, unless they are rare. I was never told, till a couple of years ago, that someone would collect, say... hewlett-packard calculators? They are tools. Oh, no, now they are rare.
That's what make collectibles collectible items: rarity and availability. Which is the stamp collectors would pay as much money as they have? I have no idea of how does it look like, but it is for sure the rarest.
But it must be available, even if it is rare.
What happens is that HP calculators were always availble, and at the moment some of us began to search for them as if they were no longer available, the ones who had them decided to make them rare: I have this item, but it costs that much, because it's rare!. If, in any moment in time, they are actualy unavailable, hunters will search for other collectible itens and make them rare. And there is a point we must never forget: who is elected to decide if an item is rare and valuable? In our case, we are the ones that know which is the rarest: an HP10B or an HP10C? If someone that does know there in an HP10-whatever calculator that is rare, so I'll pay 200 bux for this HP10B and it's a bargain! Who would do that? None of us, for sure.
Another opposite point: what is a rare calculator good for if we cannot buy it, or even find one?
And let's face it: collecting HP calcualtors is new fashion, it widely started, say, in 2000?...
So, I think collectors will keep this issue for as long as people are interested on doign business. Otherwise, if someone, from now to a couple of years, look at an HP10C and say: It has no graphics? So, what is it good for? Naa, I'll not pay more than 10 bux for this..., you may be sure collecting HP calculators will not be a big beal...
Time will tell.
(I did not spell check this, so, forgive the errors...)