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Hi all --

It appears 3D graphing will not be an option on the Prime at release time ... is it likely or possible this could be added via firmware/software updates down the road (I think this is what happened with the nSpire, but I could be wrong about that)?

Just wondering ... idly tossing future purchase options about in my junkshop of a head.



is it likely or possible this could be added via firmware/software updates down the road
Both possible, and IIRC what I read, likely :)

(I think this is what happened with the nSpire, but I could be wrong about that)?
You're correct, a number of Nspire OS versions didn't have 3D graphing either. The very first published Nspire OS version didn't even have BASIC programming, and in all subsequent versions, BASIC programming is crippled: no arbitrary pixel drawing to the screen, no getKey()-type functions.

The very first published Nspire OS version didn't even have BASIC programming.

Actually, it did. In the summer of 2007 I attended an NSpire workshop for teachers in Hendersonville, Tennessee, and every attendee received an NSpire and a projector to use in the classroom. I played around with the BASIC programming features during the workshop. The programming interface originally wasn't very nice, but they fixed it in subsequent versions. I promptly traded my regular NSpire for a NSpire CAS, and it had BASIC programming as well.

The original NSpire BASIC lacked an INPUT command to get input while the program was running, and it took TI a couple of years to remedy that situation.

I've been away from the NSpire for awhile; it is not among my favorite BASIC implementations.