On display of any RPL model, however, level 1 is at the bottom and the stack builds on top of it.
No, level 1 is the nearest reachable one, so it's in front of the other levels, but the HP 48 has the ability to show the levels behind the nearest, and they had to visualize it somehow, so they chose to display the topmost stack level near the keyboard for ergonomic reasons.
Maybe this inconsistency contributes to the user friendliness of RPL :-? Compare the HP-42S with y above x, matching the RPN stack image.
Maybe you know that the HP-42S is an RPL machine internally, with an RPL data stack and return stack and (nearly) everything else which makes it an RPL machine.
Number operations are performed either in the CPU directly if applicable, else the RPL data stack is used for temporary results, which then will be copied to the simulated XYZT "registers" which reside in system RAM.
BTW the predecessor of the HP-42S is the HP-28S.
The RPN UI is the shell for the underlying RPL kernel, and the FOCAL execution engine is an emulation the HP-41 built-in execution engine, written in RPL and Saturn assembly.
And if we talk about inconsistency, the HP RPN calcs are good examples, because they mix postfix and prefix (e.g. SF 02). RPL machines are way more consistent in this regard, since nearly every internal basic function or command actually works with postfix operands.
On the HP 48, you _can_ use postfix, infix, or prefix notation where applicable if you like.
And yes, the HP 48 user interface is very user friendly. However one has to learn to work with it, as is the case with traditional RPN calcs, too.
Discussions about RPN vs. RPL fill books, however it's much of personal taste which UI to prefer. I'm comfortable with both, and stack operations are easy with both.