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We can use EQN after test, reducing the number of FS? tests. However, it works only with named variables.


Please, have a look at message #7 and ahead in this thread. It's been a while, thought I'd not find it...


Luiz (Brazil)

Oops. Just rediscovered the wheel:) Got HP-32SII two days ago, and started to experiment. While HP-35S is definetely easier to use, I like HP-32SII look-and-feel, especially dark brown color a-la Voyager.

Edited: 11 Oct 2012, 10:25 a.m.

While HP-35S is definetely easier to use [...]
In terms of base conversion or rectangular < > polar conversion? ;-)

The 35s certainly is much more powerful, but I'm not so sure if a novice to both models will learn using the 35s faster.

However, the keyboard organisation of the 35s is quite good.


Oops. Just rediscovered the wheel:)
You see, you have actually found something new because you did not know about it. Your achievement, indeed! By pointing the link the idea was to give you some more info. I was just lucky remembering that AND finding the post.

When I was an engineering student I remember struggling about finding a way to control a display with six seven-segment LED digits and an idea occurred to me: considering the image pertinence in the eye (basic idea that gave the Lumière brothers the famous patent) I'd need only seven lines, one for each segment, and another six lines, one for each digit (one NPN transistor per digit would suffice). After a few tryouts, a 555, a decoder (4510), a ten-line counter (4017) and some data selectors I got it: eleven lines to control 42 LED's in 6 digits to show numbers only. I proudly showed my outstanding solution to my teacher who barely pronounced the words: "Oh, yeah, a multiplex...".

Well, I rediscovered the wheel... but that one was my own ;)


Luiz (Brazil)


In terms of base conversion or rectangular < > polar conversion? ;-)

No, in terms of memory and label management, stack (REGX-REGT), integer operations, EQN (editing), 2-lines display.

HP-32SII in better in BASE, long power display and SOLVER (shows best match if no solution is found), speed, battery usage, size and appearance.

I rarely use polar-cartesian, but frequently use BASE, so now I am evaluating which of HP-35S/HP-32SII I want to carry every day.

In general, I think HP-32SII is very "clean", but HP-35S is much more powerful, despite it's drawbacks. Especially limiting to me is very small memory of HP-32SII. I wish it could be expanded, like MEM-1B in HP-15C or 32KB in HP-42S.

Now I'm looking for HP-42S, WP-34S or DM-41CC, whichever comes first on my way (or, better, all of them).

Base handling in WP 34S is quite powerful. BTW, programming in RPN too. ;-)