What is my licence plate number?
Hint #1: The four-digit number is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two cubes in two different ways, that is, n = a^3 + b^3 = c^3 + d^3; a, b, c and d are positive integers;
Hint #2: n < 2000;
Hint #3: the three-letter pefix is CAB backwards :-)
My straightforward approach (not to call it 'brute-force' :-) could be used on the HP-41CV, but I have preferred to do it on my HP 50g. My RPL program is somewhat clumsy because I wrote a QBASIC program first and then converted it to RPL, but it does find n, a, b, c and d in 70 seconds on the real calculator when the input is 1999. When the input is 9999, another larger solution is found, but it takes about 10 minutes before the solutions are shown. The ten solutions less than 100,000 are found in about 9 minutes on the emulator. There is much room for improvement as no mathematical approaches have been tried-- neither could I. (I would have chosen API-3142, but it wasn't available anymore. On second thought I should have chosen something as simple as ABC-1234 :-)
Have fun!