07-09-2012, 08:06 PM
Where can I find triangle solve and finding complex roots of polynomials programs for an HP-48S? I will need to manually input the programs since I do not have a serial cable.
Where can I find triangle solve and finding complex roots of polynomials programs for an HP-48S? I will need to manually input the programs since I do not have a serial cable.
Try here: http://www.hpcalc.org/ .
I have a few small programs:
QD: (Quadratic Formula) - Credit goes to the document "1 Minute Marvels" by Wldoek Mier-Jedrzejowicz and Richard Nelson (They have this program named 'quad')
3: A
2: B
1: C
2: root 1
1: root 2
<< 3 PICK / SWAP ROT -2 * / DUP SQ ROT - SQRT + LASTARG - >>
SQRT: Square Root
Law of Sines:
sin(F1)/S1 = sin(F2)/S2. Apply this to any of the two sides and their corresponding angels. F represents theta which can be typed by pressing [alpha] [right shift] (F). (48S only?)
<< 'SIN(F1)/S1=SIN(F2)/S2' STEQ 30 MENU>>
Law of Cosines:
A^2=B^2+C^2-2BC cos F
<< 'SQ(A)=SQ(B)+SQ(C)-2*B*C*COS(F)' STEQ 30 MENU>>
30 MENU brings up the calculator's solver using whatever is stored in STEQ.
Hope this helps,
Edited: 13 July 2012, 7:18 p.m. after one or more responses were posted
Thank you. It does help. I went into HPCalc.org. Most of the programs are for download. Very few were text only which is what I needed.
Thank you. It does help. I went into HPCalc.org. Most of the programs are for download. Very few were text only which is what I needed.
Very cool. I finally got the cubic formula done, CU, which requires QD (see above).
<< - > A B C D
C 3 A * / B SQ 9 A SQ * / - 'Q' STO
C B * A SQ / 3 D * A / - 6 / B 3 ^ 27 A 3 ^ * / - 'R' STO
R Q 3 ^ R SQ + SQRT + 3 XROOT 'S' STO
R Q 3 ^ R SQ + SQRT - 3 XROOT 'T' STO
S T + B 3 A * / - 'X' STO
B A X * +
C B X * + A X SQ * +
{Q,R,S,T,X} PURGE >> >>
Edited: 13 July 2012, 7:18 p.m.