It is actually an exact hardware emulation, now I started to code the HP-IL interface to be able to use emulated HP-IL video interface. Yes a multi line display will be a bonus, but not now.
It's a real pity. Congratulations for your excellent work up to date and I encourage you to finish the development of the HP-IL video emulation because the one thing that most hindered the otherwise awesome HP-71B usability was precisely its reviled one-line, 22 char LCD display, the weakest point by far in its excellent design.
I am planning to make this emulation evolve, ie using a bluetooth keyboard, even interfacing HP-IL over UDP or TCP.
When you finally succeed, I'll be greatly interested to buy your emulator, for sure. Keep up the really good work !
If you need more ram, perhaps I will make my HP86 emulator for android too (you can plug up to 16 MB as extended ram and use it with the MATRIX rom for nice (large matrix) computations but without complex)
Well, RAM is not a problem, I'm running Emu71 with 160 Kb of RAM, which is plenty enough for what I do with it, and could expand it to some 300+ Kb if needed so no problem there.
Matter of fact, I did use the HP86 and HP87 a real lot back in their day, for professional, paid-for work, long and complex technical programs, and never needed or used more than 192 Kb, usually just 64 Kb.
The HP86/87 BASIC was a less advanced dialect than HP-71B BASIC is, its only saving grace being that it allowed long variable names ("Cost=23") but it lacked such essential things as subprograms with parameter passing by value and reference (yes, the Advanced Programming ROM allowed them but it was a very problematic implementation with critical restrictions) and recursivity, among other glaring omissions. It was also slow as molasses, most especially if you extensively used long variable names (!)
The HP86/87 Matrix ROM was a similar case. On the one hand, it had a slightly more extensive range of matrix functions than the 71B Math ROM but nothing very essential. On the other hand, it completely lacked complex support, including complex matrix support, numerical integrate, root solving, polynomial root solving, Fourier trasnforms, IEEE support, etc, etc. So, feature for feature, it didn't hold a candle to the 71B Math ROM, though that doesn't mean it's not very convenient to have at hand if you've got an HP86/87.
The bottom line: I'd be very interested in your HP86/87 emulator for Android, not as a replacement for a good HP-71B emulator but for pure revival of old time's sake. If you do adapt it to Android, the Matrix ROM is a must, and the Assembler ROM would be a great asset as well, still have lots of listings of assembly-language keywords I implemented at the time. On a negative note, the Advanced Programming ROM would be next to useless.
Thanks and best regards from V.