Sorry, I need this ;) Well, maybe it helps someone decide whether to buy a 30b or not.
I've been using the 30b at work for two weeks now and I'm not so happy with it.
I knew there's a depreciation bug. However, I've read somewhere that it only affects the SOYD and DDB method calculation. In Germany, we only have Sline and DecBal (and a third method that doesn't matter), so I thought maybe I'm lucky and those two methods work. They don't. Okay, Sline does, DecBal doesn't. Grrr.
How can something like that even happen? And why doesn't HP offer a new firmware at least? It can't be so difficult to solve that problem.
The 30b has its good sides - the keyboard is pretty good, the display is nice, the size is okay and the front looks good.
Who thought the glossy back would be a good idea? And the pouch... someone here said it's better than the 17bII+ pouch! Hard to believe, because my 30b pouch already has scratches just from being in my briefcase.
It is a very fast calculator, I admit.
Although it's smaller than my 30b, I don't like carrying it around. It rests on my desk while at work.
The 19BII solver is very easy to use. I think I really love it ;) The 30b's solver... well, I'm looking forward to finding out how it all works, one day...
The manual that comes with the machine is a joke. There's another manual available online, It's English, only, which kinda sucks, because I don't know many of the financial terms. How much would it cost to make the manual available in other languages? Less than 10 cents per unit sold, I suppose, probably a lot less than that.
Although the manual is available online, only, the layout is made for printing. Why? The manual is really hard to read on my ebook reader or phone. Well, it should at least look good on the ereader.
It's still a good machine, if depreciations aren't important to you. And Marcus said this problem could maybe be solved. I'll try to find out how.