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I just dug my 41CV out of a box in my garage. It's ben through a few Minnesota winters out there and the display seems to have taken it on the chin pretty badly. It doesn't seem to be cracked, but all the "black" has settled over to one side of the display.

Is there any hope? Can one get replacement displays or should I relegate it to the collector's case for viewing only?

The display has gone to meet it's maker.

Your best bet is to find another working CV. I don't think replacing the display is a viable option (I may be wrong)

If I am wrong, I'm sure you'll someone jump in and say so :-)


You're wrong! actually, your suggestion is a very good one, however through email correspondence with Joe in Fla.(a few months ago) listed on the repair page, the display can be changed with a good small tip soldering gun and lots of patience. Once you de-solder the conacts at the board end of the connection and remove the small plastic piece above the display on the inside of the calc the display will "tip" out. Maybe you can find a good display somewhere and undertake the project. A calc that had batteries in it for several years stored in an upside down position usually makes for a good donor :-(

The top half of an HP-41CV of the correct vintage would be easy to install on the original calculator. Use the whole assembly, keyboard and all, without going to the trouble of desoldering/soldering the display. And Dave is correct, there are lots of battery leakage damaged -41's out there, you need to post to find one. Be certain the CV is from the same vintage though. There were major changes made in about 1985 with the introduction of the half-nut models, and there may be more minor changes that were made before that. If you can't find an exact replacement, then the open brain surgery may be the only way to go.

Thanks guys. Guess I'll look around for a new one.

Don't throw away that old one. There's almost certainly people who will buy it from you.

Either that or keep it yourself for parts (if you have the skill to make these types of repairs)

It's possible that I have an upper half (display, keyboard) that will get your 41 up and running, and most likely at a price below what you'd pay for a working 41 at a garage sale or whatever. If you'd like, send me an email and we'll figure out what you have vintage-wise, and if I can help.

best, aaron
