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new HP97 model : HP97+ fully loaded HP97

896 program steps

106 registers (A to I are regs 100 to 105)

HD magnetic cards : one side is enough for either:

- whole program memory

- whole register set

Be careful not to mix your cards sets. (a tool to convert cards set will be done soon)

5 new instructions: one more indirect register E

RCL (e) keyed as 'RCL' 'e^x', printed as 'RCLe'

STO (e) keyed as 'STO' 'e^x', printed as 'STOe'

GTO (e) keyed as 'GTO' 'e^x', printed as 'GT->e'

GSB (e) keyed as 'GSB' 'e^x', printed as 'GS->e'

use the E register as a new indirect one, same functionnalities as I register

BACK x keyed as 'LBL' 'e^x', printed as 'Bc^x'

go back 'stack X' steps (stack X doesn't need to be negative)

This one was needed as there are still only 20 labels :(

A full rom source is given for the curious reader (patched and non patched)

As usual it's here : http://sites.google.com/site/olivier2smet2/hp_projects/hp97


Edited: 10 Nov 2011, 9:33 a.m.

Very nice windows emulator of HP 67 and 97, works fine and excellent graphics, thanks for sharing.

One question: What is the difference between HP97P and HP97? HP97P seems to work fine, however HP97, number entry on my Windows 7 machine doesn't seem to work.

Edited: 10 Nov 2011, 5:34 p.m.

HP97p use a patched rom to use the full range of ram addressing of the woodstock family.

The HP97 use 4*16 registers ram chips to have 224 steps and 26 memory.

HP97p use the full 16*16 registers address space to give 896 steps and 106 memory

For the shorcuts in the kml files they are made for a french keymap. You can change it yourself if you like. On a full size keybord, all emulator key are mapped somewhere on the pc-keyboard (to have an efficient us)

Btw, I just put a 1.7.1 release which correct some bugs and gives more speed.

Edited: 10 Nov 2011, 5:41 p.m.

Hi Olivier,

Thank you for the HP97+ emulator.

I have been trying to run either version of the HP-67 but it does not seem to load right. I get to see the windows for the calculator image and the mag cards, but the HP-67 calculator freezes.


Namir: I had a situation, which may be different.

When I 1st got it to run, it wouldn't freeze entirely, just each keypress would take 60 (or more) seconds.

re-installed & found when I first run it or after a FILE/NEW clicking the "choose KML" button and specifying OK (didn't change any parameters, they were already correct) the emulator then runs A-OK.

Maybe not the same as your situation. Also, I run VISTA home premium, for whatever that's worth.

Thank you, Olivier,

The display emulation works much better and this version runs even better, very kind of you to share this, as the continuation of my most beloved calculators after the HP-41.

Edited: 10 Nov 2011, 8:38 p.m.


I am running Windows 7. I was able to lunch the HP-67 emulator. I had to click the Cancel button on the first three dialog boxes that appear. Then I start working with the remaining dialog boxes. The emulator then runs correctly (from the little testing that I did).

I hope Olivier corrects this problem which occurred in a previous version, so that the emulator will run in a straightforward manner and without the need of mouse acrobatics.


Edited: 10 Nov 2011, 11:29 p.m.

new 1.7.2 version


When installing a new release clean the registry : HKCU/Software/
remove HP67, HP97, HP97p

Then launch the program, use 'kml' to choose a config, and then save
a document to re-create the registry. The next launch will be a direct reload.


Some bugs on hp97 rom load, PSE duration, ... CORRECTED :)

Edited: 11 Nov 2011, 10:07 a.m. after one or more responses were posted

After testing different options, I noticed that, thank you. In Ubuntu Linux using Wine it works ok. Let's hope you get the bugs out soon.