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Full Version: HP Home shopping site has 15c in stock now
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Use codes SVN7795 or SVN7798 to get $10 off ...

Update: it appears you must have an EPP account to be able to add the item to the cart, otherwise it shows "coming soon" for general public accounts...

Update: the item is reportedly available to general public now.

Edited: 18 Sept 2011, 8:24 a.m. after one or more responses were posted

I still only see "Coming Soon" @ 99.99 on Home Office or "Add to Cart" @ 129.99 on Small Business.

Can you direct us to the site you saw?

I see you added the link while I was writing my post, but it still says "Coming Soon" for me!

Edited: 18 Sept 2011, 12:17 a.m. after one or more responses were posted

I just checked the link in my post and it allows me to add the item and go to checkout...

I do have EPP account though, may be this makes a difference?

Edited: 18 Sept 2011, 1:02 a.m. after one or more responses were posted

Well, they must have sold out very quickly!

No, it's still available for me. I guess, you need to have an EPP account... I've just placed another order.

This is strange though; I've never seen this kind of "discrimination" from HP...

Edited: 18 Sept 2011, 12:28 a.m.

What's an "EPP" account ? I don't plan on buying any more, but just curious.

Is it "Employee Purchase Program"? I'm not really an employee for HP so. . .

EDIT: I like how under the price it says "In stock: Can ship within 24 hours." but still insists its "coming soon". But for some reason you can buy it (supposedly) from here. I haven't tried it though since $129 for me is kinda high.

Edited: 18 Sept 2011, 12:40 a.m.

Basically, it's a discount program for HP partner companies. Most large companies usually have it.

Edited: 18 Sept 2011, 1:02 a.m. after one or more responses were posted

So I gather you have to log in to get it ?

It appears this way. Can someone with a regular, non-EPP account log in first and see if it makes a difference?

I just created an account and logged in with no success.

Well, I guess, this confirms my theory then. I've updated my initial post so not to give people false hopes. :(

It seems like the best deal for now to the general public is $129 at the HP Business Store HP 15C LE

It seems like the best deal for now to the general public is $129 at the HP Business Store HP 15C LE

Well, I just ordered two from the HP Home store for $99 each with free shipping. I used coupon code SVN7798 posted above (which applied a $10 discount to the total). I have an account at the HP Home store (for printer stuff), but I'm just a regular customer AFAIK!

Give it a try again, boys (and girls in Katie's case)!

Edited: 18 Sept 2011, 7:32 a.m.

The website has the "add to cart" button for me and I don't have any kind of account with HP.

They must have changed it overnight. It now shows an "add to cart" button for me as well.

Edited: 18 Sept 2011, 8:22 a.m.

I have updated my original post to indicate general availability.

Thanks for the heads up on hp's site.
Agilent EPP so got the small discount.

Did the coupons work? It's unusual that they allow to use coupons with EPP discount.

The coupon code worked for me

I did not try any coupon codes other than my in house one - it did not take any more off than the minimal 10% off as shown on EPP page.
After tax added not really any savings.

I tried this without actually buying one. It would save me $15 USD off the price before tax. Shipping is free.

Were I to order one, it would cost me $90.94