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It's been there for at least 10 days now. Perhaps the seller should consider a rebate ... :)

So un poquinho caro de mais ;) Please compare with the price of the HP notebook in the ad above. Now you know about real values ...

Hello Walter,

So un poquinho caro de mais ;)

Quite understandable, only a light German accent :) (Só um pouquinho caro demais = just a little bit too expensive).

FYI, R$1 ~ US$ 0.56. Obviously the seller has made some kind of mistake he is still not aware of. The price of some of his other items are multiplied by 1e6 as well.



Olá Gerson,

So un poquinho caro de mais ;)

Quite understandable, only a light German accent :)
(Só um pouquinho caro demais ...).

Muito obrigado! Thanks for correcting my rusty Portuguese.

Regarding the seller, an erroneous factor of 1E6 is a bit too much. I wonder what (s)he was thinking when fixing the price. I am not aware of any currency conversion in your area needing a factor of 1E3, so applying this the wrong way may cause 1E6 easily. Way back, we had Italy for such conversions in Europe - now it is contributing to the strength of the Euro ;))



The price of some of his other items are multiplied by 1e6 as well.

Did he press 1 before pressing E, or not? ;-)

I am not sure about him, but I did. My computer keyboard is not smart enough :-)