I ran a search on 71-B and got almost nothing.
Are there any other avid 71 users out there?
I would like to initiate a 71b discussion.
John Kercheval
Of course there are lots of HP 71B users around. Unlike a couple of years ago when HP 71Bs where thrown away, now thanks to eBay, they are selling like hot cakes.
Have you checked the ftp site at the hpmuseum? (ftp://ftp.hpmuseum.org/lif/swap)
It contains lots of programs and binary files for the HP 71B (and of course the HP 41 and 75).
Besides this forum is not moderated; ask questions and they will be answered.
Can you give me more instruction on how to use that site?
How do I get the files onto the 71c once they are downloaded?
What are your favorites?
How do you use your 71 these days?
John Kercheval
In Virginia.