part 1: I've a quick question or two for ya... (well, actually a few more than that...) Just downloaded Paul Brogger's (excellent) instructions for the memory upgrade for HP42s and being the (proud) owner of one, would like to upgrade mine! I did a bit of research for the 62256 RAM chip, and found enough info to thoroughly confuse me. (I'm a Surveyor, not an Electronics Engineer) I understand I should look for SURFACE MOUNT, and LOW POWER, but it seems that there are several versions of this chip out there. Price isn't much of a factor; it seems they run anywhere from about $2.50 to $15 each. Some are DRAM, some are SRAM, and some are listed as CMOS RAM. How about the speed of the chip? They are spec'ed as anywhere from 45 to 100ns. Most seem to run about 70ns. Paul's article doesn't state which he used/need for his in the article. Does it matter/Is there a difference? Most suppliers want a large order - i only need one! Any suggestions on where to go pick one up in the area around San Bernardino in Southern California? How is the case reassembled after the mod to prevent it popping open again afterward? I'm a Land Surveyor; my 42 gets some rough use. Thanks for any feedback you can provide! I just want to make sure i get it right the first time, 'cause i use my little buddy a LOT and would be lost without it!
part 2: I would also like to run Christoph Geisselink's EMU48 with the HP42s romdump. I have 3 HP42S calculators, so i have one available for the ROM dump. I have downloaded the CPROMUPL.ZIP file, and it seems very complete, but I need to ask if it can be done using an HP50G, which I have, instead of an HP48GX. Is BINPRT hardware dependant, or will it run on an HP50G? The HP50 has more than enough memory, and an IR reciever port, so if the BINPRT will run on it, it seems there should be no problem. If it won't, then does anyone have a procedure you could suggest for using the HP50G in this case? Thank you very much for this help.
p.s. - my collection of HP calculators is the following: Hp11C, HP28C, HP32S, HP33S, 3 HP42S, HP48SX (no memory card - not big enough for ROMDUMP, i think) and an HP50G. I used to own also an HP41C, an HP41CV, and 2 HP41CX, but i sold them to buy an HP48GX and 1 meg memory card, which was then stolen... I don't know which was the greater loss.