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OpenRPN is back online under a new host, so unlike the past it will be there when you go looking for it. The big difference that you'll notice is that, at least for now, it's just a wiki (formerly known as "the documentation site"). It's a good medium for development reference, project status, and general news.

To any software developers who have worked on OpenRPN in the past, I would love to have you back. Additionally, if you are interested in contributing your programming skills please take a look through the wiki and SourceForge. Feel free to contact me via e-mail with any questions, comments, and/or feedback.

Best Regards,


My antivirus program alerts me to shut down my browser when I visit your site as it is a "phishing" website. What gives?



1 - So OpenRPN is still alive after all. Fine! :)

2 - May the participants of HHC 2007 expect to see some physical, touchable proof for the existence of OpenRPN as announced many months ago? (Don't be afraid, I will not attend).

2 - Many (most?) links of level 2 of your site seem to be not connected. IMHO this is one of the necessary points to check before (re-)starting a website :( But maybe this is just a problem I experience. Any more observations?

Good luck, Walter

That is certainly false alarm. I checked the HTML source, no creepy bugs in there.


2 - Many (most?) links of level 2 of your site seem to be not connected. IMHO this is one of the necessary points to check before (re-)starting a website :( But maybe this is just a problem I experience. Any more observations?

Güten tag, my friend Walter. Maybe it just too much sauerkraut in your network because links work for me. I using Firefox with XP.

May the participants of HHC 2007 expect to see some physical, touchable proof for the existence of OpenRPN as announced many months ago? (Don't be afraid, I will not attend).

Not this year, but next year looks more hopeful to me. When there's hardware you'll be one of the first to know... I want you to test your keyboard layouts.

Many (most?) links of level 2 of your site seem to be not connected. IMHO this is one of the necessary points to check before (re-)starting a website :( But maybe this is just a problem I experience. Any more observations?

I haven't encountered any problems along those lines. There are quite a few dead image links I need to clean up, but that's nothing emergent.