On modern (and less modern) calculators, you have the trig functions on three separate and contiguous keys, with their arc functions on the same shifted key (e.g. arcsin on sin). The hyp key is generally shifted, so you have to digit (typically):
shift hyp shift sin
to get arcsinh. This configuration, while common, uses three keys and four shifted keys, totallying seven key-positions.
No one, as far as I know, has ever thought to a simpler way to accomplish the same task:
on five adjacent keys which can perform every trig and hyp function:
SIN for sin
ARC SIN for arcsin
HYP SIN for sinh
HYP ARC SIN (or ARC HYP SIN) for arcsinh.
This configuration uses five main keys, but nothing else, leaving two extra key-positions with respect to the previous configuration.
I think (but you may have a very different opinion) that trig (and possibly hyp) functions are those that are far more used after LN, EXP, LOG, and the other classics (the four basics, root, square, and so forth), that usually are more or less in an easy position and don't need any help, while trigs and hyps would (and deserve).
And, thinking to some older TI model, the ARC function could even be used in conjunction with LOG (or LN) to get EXP or vice-versa, or to root to get square, and so forth, making more room for other functions, or to put more functions on the main keys, or to reduce the total keys amount. People who need a scientific calculator should easily understand and use such ARC key!
I'd want your opinion on this subject, which is a minor subject, I know.
-- Antonio