Enter 9 from the start 00000: ..11.111.1 -> 00067 jsb l00067 PWO routine A=00000000000000 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=0 S=............ 00067: 111.1.1... l00067: clear registers Clear the machine A=00000000000000 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=0 S=............ 00070: .1.111...1 -> 00134 jsb of12 Output format "0." A=00000000000000 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 return at 071 go to fst2zx D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=0 S=............ 00134: ..11..111. of12: 0 -> c[w] A=00000000000000 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=0 S=............ 00135: ....11.1.. of13: clear status A=00000000000000 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=0 S=............ 00136: .11...111. c -> a[w] A=00000000000000 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=0 S=............ 00137: 11....11.. of14: 12 -> p A=00000000000000 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00140: .1..1.1.1. a -> b[x] A=00000000000000 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00141: .11...1.1. c -> a[x] A=00000000000000 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00142: .11.111.1. if c[xs] = 0 A=00000000000000 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00143: .11.1...11 -> 00150 then go to of15 A=00000000000000 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00150: of15: a exchange c[x] A=00000000000000 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00151: .1...1.1.. if s4 = 0 A=00000000000000 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00152: .1....1.11 -> 00102 then go to l00102 A=00000000000000 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00102: .1..1.111. l00102: a -> b[w] A=00000000000000 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00103: 1.11111.1. 0 -> a[xs] A=00000000000000 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00104: .1...1.11. shift left a[ms] A=00000000000000 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00105: l00105: a - 1 -> a[x] A=00000000000999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00106: 111.....11 -> 00340 if no carry go to l00340 A=00000000000999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00107: .11.111.1. if c[xs] = 0 A=00000000000999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00110: 111..11.11 -> 00346 then go to l00346 A=00000000000999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00346: 1.1111.11. l00346: 0 -> a[ms] A=00000000000999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00347: 11111...1. a + 1 -> a[p] A=01000000000999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00350: 11111...1. a + 1 -> a[p] A=02000000000999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00351: ..1...11.. 2 -> p A=02000000000999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=2 S=............ 00352: ....1111.. l00352: p + 1 -> p A=02000000000999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=3 S=............ 00353: 11.11...1. a - 1 -> a[p] A=02000000009999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=3 S=............ 00354: 111.111111 -> 00357 if no carry go to l00357 A=02000000009999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=3 S=............ 00355: ........1. if b[p] = 0 A=02000000009999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=3 S=............ 00356: -> 00352 then go to l00352 A=02000000009999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=3 S=............ 00352: ....1111.. l00352: p + 1 -> p A=02000000009999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=4 S=............ 00353: 11.11...1. a - 1 -> a[p] A=02000000099999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=4 S=............ 00354: 111.111111 -> 00357 if no carry go to l00357 A=02000000099999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=4 S=............ 00355: ........1. if b[p] = 0 A=02000000099999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=4 S=............ 00356: -> 00352 then go to l00352 A=02000000099999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=4 S=............ 00352: ....1111.. l00352: p + 1 -> p A=02000000099999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=5 S=............ 00353: 11.11...1. a - 1 -> a[p] A=02000000999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=5 S=............ 00354: 111.111111 -> 00357 if no carry go to l00357 A=02000000999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=5 S=............ 00355: ........1. if b[p] = 0 A=02000000999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=5 S=............ 00356: -> 00352 then go to l00352 A=02000000999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=5 S=............ 00352: ....1111.. l00352: p + 1 -> p A=02000000999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=6 S=............ 00353: 11.11...1. a - 1 -> a[p] A=02000009999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=6 S=............ 00354: 111.111111 -> 00357 if no carry go to l00357 A=02000009999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=6 S=............ 00355: ........1. if b[p] = 0 A=02000009999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=6 S=............ 00356: -> 00352 then go to l00352 A=02000009999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=6 S=............ 00352: ....1111.. l00352: p + 1 -> p A=02000009999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=7 S=............ 00353: 11.11...1. a - 1 -> a[p] A=02000099999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=7 S=............ 00354: 111.111111 -> 00357 if no carry go to l00357 A=02000099999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=7 S=............ 00355: ........1. if b[p] = 0 A=02000099999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=7 S=............ 00356: -> 00352 then go to l00352 A=02000099999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=7 S=............ 00352: ....1111.. l00352: p + 1 -> p A=02000099999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=8 S=............ 00353: 11.11...1. a - 1 -> a[p] A=02000999999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=8 S=............ 00354: 111.111111 -> 00357 if no carry go to l00357 A=02000999999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=8 S=............ 00355: ........1. if b[p] = 0 A=02000999999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=8 S=............ 00356: -> 00352 then go to l00352 A=02000999999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=8 S=............ 00352: ....1111.. l00352: p + 1 -> p A=02000999999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=9 S=............ 00353: 11.11...1. a - 1 -> a[p] A=02009999999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=9 S=............ 00354: 111.111111 -> 00357 if no carry go to l00357 A=02009999999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=9 S=............ 00355: ........1. if b[p] = 0 A=02009999999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=9 S=............ 00356: -> 00352 then go to l00352 A=02009999999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=9 S=............ 00352: ....1111.. l00352: p + 1 -> p A=02009999999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=a S=............ 00353: 11.11...1. a - 1 -> a[p] A=02099999999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=a S=............ 00354: 111.111111 -> 00357 if no carry go to l00357 A=02099999999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=a S=............ 00355: ........1. if b[p] = 0 A=02099999999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=a S=............ 00356: -> 00352 then go to l00352 A=02099999999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=a S=............ 00352: ....1111.. l00352: p + 1 -> p A=02099999999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=b S=............ 00353: 11.11...1. a - 1 -> a[p] A=02999999999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=b S=............ 00354: 111.111111 -> 00357 if no carry go to l00357 A=02999999999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=b S=............ 00355: ........1. if b[p] = 0 A=02999999999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=b S=............ 00356: -> 00352 then go to l00352 A=02999999999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=b S=............ 00352: ....1111.. l00352: p + 1 -> p A=02999999999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00353: 11.11...1. a - 1 -> a[p] A=01999999999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00354: 111.111111 -> 00357 if no carry go to l00357 A=01999999999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00357: 11111...1. l00357: a + 1 -> a[p] A=02999999999999 B=00000000000000 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00360: 11..1.111. a exchange b[w] A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00361: ....11.... return A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ returning from "of" 00071: 11.111.111 -> 00335 l00071: go to fst2zx meeting point "fst2zx" A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00335: 1111.111.1 -> 00367 fst2zx: jsb dsp1 call "dsp1" A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00367: 1.1.1..1.. dsp1: 0 -> s10 no arc prefix s10=0 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00370: 11....1111 -> 00303 go to dsp7 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00303: .11..1111. dsp7: c -> a[s] dsp7 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00304: 1...1..1.. l00304: 0 -> s8 First time through the routine must be set to 0 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 meaning "no key process" D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00305: 11..111111 -> 00317 go to dsp8 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00317: ....1..1.. dsp8: 0 -> s0 S0=0 means no key down A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 S0 is hardwired in the C&R D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p Time delay (around 14.4 ms) to debounce A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 key board D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=b S=............ 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=b S=............ 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=b S=............ 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=a S=............ 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=a S=............ 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=a S=............ 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=9 S=............ 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=9 S=............ 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=9 S=............ 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=8 S=............ 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=8 S=............ 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=8 S=............ 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=7 S=............ 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=7 S=............ 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=7 S=............ 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=6 S=............ 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=6 S=............ 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=6 S=............ 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=5 S=............ 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=5 S=............ 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=5 S=............ 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=4 S=............ 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=4 S=............ 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=4 S=............ 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=3 S=............ 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=3 S=............ 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=3 S=............ 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=2 S=............ 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=2 S=............ 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=2 S=............ 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=1 S=............ 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=1 S=............ 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=1 S=............ 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=0 S=............ 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=0 S=............ 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=0 S=............ 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=f S=............ 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=f S=............ 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=f S=............ 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=e S=............ 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=e S=............ 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=e S=............ 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=............ 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=............ 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=............ 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 end of debounce wait A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00323: 1...1.1... display off A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00324: 1....1.1.. if s8 = 0 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00325: 11..11..11 -> 00314 then go to dsp4 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00314: ....1.1... dsp4: display toggle displays previous result A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00315: .....1.1.. dsp5: if s0 = 0 "key down" A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00316: 11...11111 -> 00307 then go to dsp3 basic wait cycle dsp5->dsp3 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=............ 00307: 1......1.. dsp3: 1 -> s8 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=........8... 00310: . if s5 = 0 BLINKING on error A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=........8... 00311: 11..11.111 -> 00315 then go to dsp5 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=........8... 00315: .....1.1.. dsp5: if s0 = 0 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=........8... 00316: 11...11111 -> 00307 then go to dsp3 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=........8... 00307: 1......1.. dsp3: 1 -> s8 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=........8... 00310: . if s5 = 0 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=........8... 00311: 11..11.111 -> 00315 then go to dsp5 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=........8... 00315: .....1.1.. dsp5: if s0 = 0 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=........8... 00316: 11...11111 -> 00307 then go to dsp3 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=........8... .../... 00307: 1......1.. dsp3: 1 -> s8 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=........8... 00310: . if s5 = 0 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=........8... 00311: 11..11.111 -> 00315 then go to dsp5 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=........8... 00315: .....1.1.. dsp5: if s0 = 0 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=........8... 00316: 11...11111 -> 00307 then go to dsp3 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=........8... 00307: 1......1.. dsp3: 1 -> s8 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=........8... 00310: . if s5 = 0 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=........8... 00311: 11..11.111 -> 00315 then go to dsp5 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=........8... 00315: .....1.1.. dsp5: if s0 = 0 STATUS BIT S0 is raised by HW A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00316: 11...11111 -> 00307 then go to dsp3 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00317: ....1..1.. dsp8: 0 -> s0 ok, we servit it A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 and set S0 to 0 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=........8... 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p debounce loop A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=b S=0.......8... 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=b S=0.......8... 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=b S=0.......8... 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=a S=0.......8... 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=a S=0.......8... 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=a S=0.......8... 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=9 S=0.......8... 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=9 S=0.......8... 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=9 S=0.......8... 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=8 S=0.......8... 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=8 S=0.......8... 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=8 S=0.......8... 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=7 S=0.......8... 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=7 S=0.......8... 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=7 S=0.......8... 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=6 S=0.......8... 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=6 S=0.......8... 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=6 S=0.......8... 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=5 S=0.......8... 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=5 S=0.......8... 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=5 S=0.......8... 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=4 S=0.......8... 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=4 S=0.......8... 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=4 S=0.......8... 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=3 S=0.......8... 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=3 S=0.......8... 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=3 S=0.......8... 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=2 S=0.......8... 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=2 S=0.......8... 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=2 S=0.......8... 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=1 S=0.......8... 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=1 S=0.......8... 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=1 S=0.......8... 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=0 S=0.......8... 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=0 S=0.......8... 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=0 S=0.......8... 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=f S=0.......8... 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=f S=0.......8... 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=f S=0.......8... 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=e S=0.......8... 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=e S=0.......8... 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=e S=0.......8... 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=0.......8... 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=0.......8... 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=0.......8... 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... End a debounce LOOP 00323: 1...1.1... display off turn OFF display A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00324: 1....1.1.. if s8 = 0 check if it is a new key (s8=1) A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 or the one just processed (s8=0) D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00325: 11..11..11 -> 00314 then go to dsp4 A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00326: .1....111. shift left a[w] A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00327: .1.11..1.. 0 -> s5 reset error flag A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... key offset is entry point "9" key code 062 is an offset (token) in ROM 0 00330: ..11.1.... keys -> rom address A=00000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00062: 11111.1.1. dig9: a + 1 -> a[x] key code is acquired in a[x] A=00000000000001 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00063: 11111.1.1. dig8: a + 1 -> a[x] A=00000000000002 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00064: 11111.1.1. dig7: a + 1 -> a[x] A=00000000000003 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00065: ...1..1.11 -> 00022 if no carry go to dig6 A=00000000000003 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00022: 11111.1.1. dig6: a + 1 -> a[x] A=00000000000004 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00023: 11111.1.1. dig5: a + 1 -> a[x] A=00000000000005 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00024: 11111.1.1. dig4: a + 1 -> a[x] A=00000000000006 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00025: ...11.1.11 -> 00032 if no carry go to dig3 A=00000000000006 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00032: 11111.1.1. dig3: a + 1 -> a[x] A=00000000000007 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00033: 11111.1.1. dig2: a + 1 -> a[x] A=00000000000008 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00034: 11111.1.1. dig1: a + 1 -> a[x] A=00000000000009 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... a[x] = 009 00035: ....11.... return A=00000000000009 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00336: 1.1.1111.1 -> 00257 jsb fst3 return point is 0336 A=00000000000009 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 first address after D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00335: fst2zx: jsb dsp1 we go to the stack operations 00257: 1.1111.11. fst3: 0 -> a[ms] to push or not A=00000000000009 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00260: ..11.1.1.. if s3 = 0 A=00000000000009 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00261: 1.11.1..11 -> 00264 then go to l00264 A=00000000000009 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00264: .111.1.1.. l00264: if s7 = 0 A=00000000000009 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00265: 1.11.11111 -> 00267 then go to fst5 A=00000000000009 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0.......8... 00267: .111...1.. fst5: 1 -> s7 A=00000000000009 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78... 00270: ..11..111. 0 -> c[w] A=00000000000009 B=02999999999999 C=00000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78... 00271: .1.11.111. c - 1 -> c[w] A=00000000000009 B=02999999999999 C=99999999999999 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78... 00272: ..1.11111. 0 - c -> c[s] A=00000000000009 B=02999999999999 C=19999999999999 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78... 00273: .11111111. c + 1 -> c[s] A=00000000000009 B=02999999999999 C=29999999999999 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78... 00274: 1...1.111. b exchange c[w] A=00000000000009 B=29999999999999 C=02999999999999 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78... 00275: ....11.... return A=00000000000009 B=29999999999999 C=02999999999999 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78... 00337: 1...1.1.11 -> 00212 go to den2 and finally we go to "den" to A=00000000000009 B=29999999999999 C=02999999999999 enter the digit D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78... 00212: 11..1.11.. den2: if p # 12 A=00000000000009 B=29999999999999 C=02999999999999 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78... 00213: 1..1..1111 -> 00223 then go to den4 A=00000000000009 B=29999999999999 C=02999999999999 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78... 00214: ..1...111. b -> c[w] A=00000000000009 B=29999999999999 C=29999999999999 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78... 00215: .1111.111. c + 1 -> c[w] A=00000000000009 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78... 00216: ...1..11.. 1 -> p A=00000000000009 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=1 S=0......78... digit "9" is slifing right to left to its final place 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] A=00000000000090 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=1 S=0......78... 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p A=00000000000090 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=2 S=0......78... 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 A=00000000000090 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=2 S=0......78... 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 A=00000000000090 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=2 S=0......78... 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] A=00000000000900 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=2 S=0......78... 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p A=00000000000900 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=3 S=0......78... 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 A=00000000000900 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=3 S=0......78... 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 A=00000000000900 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=3 S=0......78... 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] A=00000000009000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=3 S=0......78... 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p A=00000000009000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=4 S=0......78... 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 A=00000000009000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=4 S=0......78... 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 A=00000000009000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=4 S=0......78... 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] A=00000000090000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=4 S=0......78... 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p A=00000000090000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=5 S=0......78... 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 A=00000000090000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=5 S=0......78... 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 A=00000000090000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=5 S=0......78... 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] A=00000000900000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=5 S=0......78... 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p A=00000000900000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=6 S=0......78... 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 A=00000000900000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=6 S=0......78... 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 A=00000000900000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=6 S=0......78... 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] A=00000009000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=6 S=0......78... 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p A=00000009000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=7 S=0......78... 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 A=00000009000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=7 S=0......78... 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 A=00000009000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=7 S=0......78... 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] A=00000090000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=7 S=0......78... 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p A=00000090000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=8 S=0......78... 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 A=00000090000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=8 S=0......78... 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 A=00000090000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=8 S=0......78... 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] A=00000900000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=8 S=0......78... 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p A=00000900000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=9 S=0......78... 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 A=00000900000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=9 S=0......78... 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 A=00000900000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=9 S=0......78... 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] A=00009000000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=9 S=0......78... 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p A=00009000000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=a S=0......78... 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 A=00009000000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=a S=0......78... 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 A=00009000000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=a S=0......78... 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] A=00090000000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=a S=0......78... 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p A=00090000000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=b S=0......78... 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 A=00090000000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=b S=0......78... 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 A=00090000000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=b S=0......78... 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] A=00900000000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=b S=0......78... 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p A=00900000000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78... 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 A=00900000000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78... 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 A=00900000000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78... 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] A=09000000000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78... 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p A=09000000000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=0......78... 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 A=09000000000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=0......78... 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 A=09000000000000 B=29999999999999 C=30000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=0......78... digit "9" is placed in C 00223: 111.1.111. den4: a exchange c[w] A=30000000000000 B=29999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=0......78... 00224: ..111.11.. if p # 3 A=30000000000000 B=29999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=0......78... 00225: 11111..111 -> 00371 then go to den5 A=30000000000000 B=29999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=0......78... 00371: .11..1.1.. den5: if s6 = 0 A=30000000000000 B=29999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=0......78... 00372: 111111..11 -> 00374 then go to den6 A=30000000000000 B=29999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=0......78... 00374: 1.1..1..1. den6: shift right b[wp] A=30000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=0......78... 00375: .1111.1..1 -> 00172 jsb eex4 we jump to eex to forge A=30000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 exponent D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=0......78... 00172: .11...111. eex4: c -> a[w] A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=0......78... 00173: .11.111.1. if c[xs] = 0 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=0......78... 00174: .111111111 -> 00177 then go to eex5 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=0......78... 00177: 11.1..11.. eex5: 13 -> p A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=0......78... 00200: .1...1.11. eex6: shift left a[ms] A=90000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=0......78... 00201: . c - 1 -> c[x] A=90000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000999 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=0......78... 00202: 1..111111. if a[s] >= 1 A=90000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000999 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=0......78... 00203: .1..111.11 -> 00116 then go to eex8 A=90000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000999 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=0......78... 00116: ........1. eex8: if b[p] = 0 A=90000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000999 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=0......78... 00117: .1..11..11 -> 00114 then go to eex7 A=90000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000999 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=0......78... 00114: .....111.. eex7: p - 1 -> p A=90000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000999 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78... 00115: .1111.1.1. c + 1 -> c[x] A=90000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78... 00116: ........1. eex8: if b[p] = 0 A=90000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78... 00117: .1..11..11 -> 00114 then go to eex7 A=90000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78... 00120: 1.11...1.. 1 -> s11 A=90000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78..b 00121: shift right a[ms] A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78..b 00122: 111.1..11. a exchange c[m] A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78..b 00123: .1...1.1.. if s4 = 0 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78..b 00124: 1....11111 -> 00207 then go to den1 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78..b 00207: 1111.111.1 -> 00367 den1: jsb dsp1 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78..b Back to "dsp1" for the next one 00367: 1.1.1..1.. dsp1: 0 -> s10 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78..b 00370: 11....1111 -> 00303 go to dsp7 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78..b 00303: .11..1111. dsp7: c -> a[s] A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......78..b 00304: 1...1..1.. l00304: 0 -> s8 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......7...b 00305: 11..111111 -> 00317 go to dsp8 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=0......7...b 00317: ....1..1.. dsp8: 0 -> s0 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=.......7...b 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=b S=.......7...b 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=b S=.......7...b 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=b S=.......7...b 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=a S=.......7...b 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=a S=.......7...b 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=a S=.......7...b 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=9 S=.......7...b 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=9 S=.......7...b 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=9 S=.......7...b 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=8 S=.......7...b 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=8 S=.......7...b 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=8 S=.......7...b 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=7 S=.......7...b 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=7 S=.......7...b 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=7 S=.......7...b 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=6 S=.......7...b 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=6 S=.......7...b 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=6 S=.......7...b 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=5 S=.......7...b 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=5 S=.......7...b 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=5 S=.......7...b 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=4 S=.......7...b 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=4 S=.......7...b 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=4 S=.......7...b 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=3 S=.......7...b 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=3 S=.......7...b 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=3 S=.......7...b 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=2 S=.......7...b 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=2 S=.......7...b 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=2 S=.......7...b 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=1 S=.......7...b 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=1 S=.......7...b 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=1 S=.......7...b 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=0 S=.......7...b 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=0 S=.......7...b 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=0 S=.......7...b 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=f S=.......7...b 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=f S=.......7...b 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=f S=.......7...b 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=e S=.......7...b 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=e S=.......7...b 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=e S=.......7...b 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=.......7...b 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=.......7...b 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=d S=.......7...b 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=.......7...b 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=.......7...b 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=.......7...b 00323: 1...1.1... display off A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=.......7...b 00324: 1....1.1.. if s8 = 0 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=.......7...b 00325: 11..11..11 -> 00314 then go to dsp4 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=.......7...b 00314: ....1.1... dsp4: display toggle A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=.......7...b 00315: .....1.1.. dsp5: if s0 = 0 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=.......7...b 00316: 11...11111 -> 00307 then go to dsp3 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=.......7...b 00307: 1......1.. dsp3: 1 -> s8 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=.......78..b 00310: . if s5 = 0 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=.......78..b 00311: 11..11.111 -> 00315 then go to dsp5 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=.......78..b 00315: .....1.1.. dsp5: if s0 = 0 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=.......78..b 00316: 11...11111 -> 00307 then go to dsp3 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=.......78..b ../.. 00307: 1......1.. dsp3: 1 -> s8 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=.......78..b 00310: . if s5 = 0 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=.......78..b 00311: 11..11.111 -> 00315 then go to dsp5 A=09000000000000 B=02999999999999 C=09000000000000 D=00000000000000 M=00000000000000 P=c S=.......78..b 00000: ..11.111.1 -> 00067 jsb l00067 00067: 111.1.1... l00067: clear registers 00070: .1.111...1 -> 00134 jsb of12 00134: ..11..111. of12: 0 -> c[w] 00135: ....11.1.. of13: clear status 00136: .11...111. c -> a[w] 00137: 11....11.. of14: 12 -> p 00140: .1..1.1.1. a -> b[x] 00141: .11...1.1. c -> a[x] 00142: .11.111.1. if c[xs] = 0 00143: .11.1...11 -> 00150 then go to of15 00150: of15: a exchange c[x] 00151: .1...1.1.. if s4 = 0 00152: .1....1.11 -> 00102 then go to l00102 00102: .1..1.111. l00102: a -> b[w] 00103: 1.11111.1. 0 -> a[xs] 00104: .1...1.11. shift left a[ms] 00105: l00105: a - 1 -> a[x] 00106: 111.....11 -> 00340 if no carry go to l00340 00107: .11.111.1. if c[xs] = 0 00110: 111..11.11 -> 00346 then go to l00346 00346: 1.1111.11. l00346: 0 -> a[ms] 00347: 11111...1. a + 1 -> a[p] 00350: 11111...1. a + 1 -> a[p] 00351: ..1...11.. 2 -> p 00352: ....1111.. l00352: p + 1 -> p 00353: 11.11...1. a - 1 -> a[p] 00354: 111.111111 -> 00357 if no carry go to l00357 00355: ........1. if b[p] = 0 00356: -> 00352 then go to l00352 00352: ....1111.. l00352: p + 1 -> p 00353: 11.11...1. a - 1 -> a[p] 00354: 111.111111 -> 00357 if no carry go to l00357 00355: ........1. if b[p] = 0 00356: -> 00352 then go to l00352 00352: ....1111.. l00352: p + 1 -> p 00353: 11.11...1. a - 1 -> a[p] 00354: 111.111111 -> 00357 if no carry go to l00357 00355: ........1. if b[p] = 0 00356: -> 00352 then go to l00352 00352: ....1111.. l00352: p + 1 -> p 00353: 11.11...1. a - 1 -> a[p] 00354: 111.111111 -> 00357 if no carry go to l00357 00355: ........1. if b[p] = 0 00356: -> 00352 then go to l00352 00352: ....1111.. l00352: p + 1 -> p 00353: 11.11...1. a - 1 -> a[p] 00354: 111.111111 -> 00357 if no carry go to l00357 00355: ........1. if b[p] = 0 00356: -> 00352 then go to l00352 00352: ....1111.. l00352: p + 1 -> p 00353: 11.11...1. a - 1 -> a[p] 00354: 111.111111 -> 00357 if no carry go to l00357 00355: ........1. if b[p] = 0 00356: -> 00352 then go to l00352 00352: ....1111.. l00352: p + 1 -> p 00353: 11.11...1. a - 1 -> a[p] 00354: 111.111111 -> 00357 if no carry go to l00357 00355: ........1. if b[p] = 0 00356: -> 00352 then go to l00352 00352: ....1111.. l00352: p + 1 -> p 00353: 11.11...1. a - 1 -> a[p] 00354: 111.111111 -> 00357 if no carry go to l00357 00355: ........1. if b[p] = 0 00356: -> 00352 then go to l00352 00352: ....1111.. l00352: p + 1 -> p 00353: 11.11...1. a - 1 -> a[p] 00354: 111.111111 -> 00357 if no carry go to l00357 00355: ........1. if b[p] = 0 00356: -> 00352 then go to l00352 00352: ....1111.. l00352: p + 1 -> p 00353: 11.11...1. a - 1 -> a[p] 00354: 111.111111 -> 00357 if no carry go to l00357 00357: 11111...1. l00357: a + 1 -> a[p] 00360: 11..1.111. a exchange b[w] 00361: ....11.... return 00071: 11.111.111 -> 00335 l00071: go to fst2zx 00335: 1111.111.1 -> 00367 fst2zx: jsb dsp1 00367: 1.1.1..1.. dsp1: 0 -> s10 00370: 11....1111 -> 00303 go to dsp7 00303: .11..1111. dsp7: c -> a[s] 00304: 1...1..1.. l00304: 0 -> s8 00305: 11..111111 -> 00317 go to dsp8 00317: ....1..1.. dsp8: 0 -> s0 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00323: 1...1.1... display off 00324: 1....1.1.. if s8 = 0 00325: 11..11..11 -> 00314 then go to dsp4 00314: ....1.1... dsp4: display toggle 00315: .....1.1.. dsp5: if s0 = 0 00316: 11...11111 -> 00307 then go to dsp3 00307: 1......1.. dsp3: 1 -> s8 00310: . if s5 = 0 00311: 11..11.111 -> 00315 then go to dsp5 00315: .....1.1.. dsp5: if s0 = 0 00316: 11...11111 -> 00307 then go to dsp3 00307: 1......1.. dsp3: 1 -> s8 00310: . if s5 = 0 00311: 11..11.111 -> 00315 then go to dsp5 ../.. 00315: .....1.1.. dsp5: if s0 = 0 00316: 11...11111 -> 00307 then go to dsp3 00307: 1......1.. dsp3: 1 -> s8 00310: . if s5 = 0 00311: 11..11.111 -> 00315 then go to dsp5 00315: .....1.1.. dsp5: if s0 = 0 00316: 11...11111 -> 00307 then go to dsp3 00317: ....1..1.. dsp8: 0 -> s0 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00323: 1...1.1... display off 00324: 1....1.1.. if s8 = 0 00325: 11..11..11 -> 00314 then go to dsp4 00326: .1....111. shift left a[w] 00327: .1.11..1.. 0 -> s5 00330: ..11.1.... keys -> rom address 00062: 11111.1.1. dig9: a + 1 -> a[x] 00063: 11111.1.1. dig8: a + 1 -> a[x] 00064: 11111.1.1. dig7: a + 1 -> a[x] 00065: ...1..1.11 -> 00022 if no carry go to dig6 ; uncond 00022: 11111.1.1. dig6: a + 1 -> a[x] 00023: 11111.1.1. dig5: a + 1 -> a[x] 00024: 11111.1.1. dig4: a + 1 -> a[x] 00025: ...11.1.11 -> 00032 if no carry go to dig3 00032: 11111.1.1. dig3: a + 1 -> a[x] 00033: 11111.1.1. dig2: a + 1 -> a[x] 00034: 11111.1.1. dig1: a + 1 -> a[x] 00035: ....11.... return 00336: 1.1.1111.1 -> 00257 jsb fst3 00257: 1.1111.11. fst3: 0 -> a[ms] 00260: ..11.1.1.. if s3 = 0 00261: 1.11.1..11 -> 00264 then go to l00264 00264: .111.1.1.. l00264: if s7 = 0 00265: 1.11.11111 -> 00267 then go to fst5 00267: .111...1.. fst5: 1 -> s7 00270: ..11..111. 0 -> c[w] 00271: .1.11.111. c - 1 -> c[w] 00272: ..1.11111. 0 - c -> c[s] 00273: .11111111. c + 1 -> c[s] 00274: 1...1.111. b exchange c[w] 00275: ....11.... return 00337: 1...1.1.11 -> 00212 go to den2 00212: 11..1.11.. den2: if p # 12 00213: 1..1..1111 -> 00223 then go to den4 00214: ..1...111. b -> c[w] 00215: .1111.111. c + 1 -> c[w] 00216: ...1..11.. 1 -> p 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 00217: .1...1..1. den3: shift left a[wp] 00220: ....1111.. p + 1 -> p 00221: .11.1...1. if c[p] = 0 00222: 1...111111 -> 00217 then go to den3 00223: 111.1.111. den4: a exchange c[w] 00224: ..111.11.. if p # 3 00225: 11111..111 -> 00371 then go to den5 00371: .11..1.1.. den5: if s6 = 0 00372: 111111..11 -> 00374 then go to den6 00374: 1.1..1..1. den6: shift right b[wp] 00375: .1111.1..1 -> 00172 jsb eex4 00172: .11...111. eex4: c -> a[w] 00173: .11.111.1. if c[xs] = 0 00174: .111111111 -> 00177 then go to eex5 00177: 11.1..11.. eex5: 13 -> p 00200: .1...1.11. eex6: shift left a[ms] 00201: . c - 1 -> c[x] 00202: 1..111111. if a[s] >= 1 00203: .1..111.11 -> 00116 then go to eex8 00116: ........1. eex8: if b[p] = 0 00117: .1..11..11 -> 00114 then go to eex7 00114: .....111.. eex7: p - 1 -> p 00115: .1111.1.1. c + 1 -> c[x] 00116: ........1. eex8: if b[p] = 0 00117: .1..11..11 -> 00114 then go to eex7 00120: 1.11...1.. 1 -> s11 00121: shift right a[ms] 00122: 111.1..11. a exchange c[m] 00123: .1...1.1.. if s4 = 0 00124: 1....11111 -> 00207 then go to den1 00207: 1111.111.1 -> 00367 den1: jsb dsp1 00367: 1.1.1..1.. dsp1: 0 -> s10 00370: 11....1111 -> 00303 go to dsp7 00303: .11..1111. dsp7: c -> a[s] 00304: 1...1..1.. l00304: 0 -> s8 00305: 11..111111 -> 00317 go to dsp8 00317: ....1..1.. dsp8: 0 -> s0 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00320: .....111.. dsp6: p - 1 -> p 00321: 11..1.11.. if p # 12 00322: 11.1....11 -> 00320 then go to dsp6 00323: 1...1.1... display off 00324: 1....1.1.. if s8 = 0 00325: 11..11..11 -> 00314 then go to dsp4 00314: ....1.1... dsp4: display toggle 00315: .....1.1.. dsp5: if s0 = 0 00316: 11...11111 -> 00307 then go to dsp3 00307: 1......1.. dsp3: 1 -> s8 00310: . if s5 = 0 00311: 11..11.111 -> 00315 then go to dsp5 00315: .....1.1.. dsp5: if s0 = 0 00316: 11...11111 -> 00307 then go to dsp3 00307: 1......1.. dsp3: 1 -> s8 00310: . if s5 = 0 00311: 11..11.111 -> 00315 then go to dsp5 00315: .....1.1.. dsp5: if s0 = 0 00316: 11...11111 -> 00307 then go to dsp3 00307: 1......1.. dsp3: 1 -> s8 00310: . if s5 = 0 00311: 11..11.111 -> 00315 then go to dsp5 00315: .....1.1.. dsp5: if s0 = 0 00316: 11...11111 -> 00307 then go to dsp3 00307: 1......1.. dsp3: 1 -> s8 00310: . if s5 = 0 00311: 11..11.111 -> 00315 then go to dsp5 00315: .....1.1.. dsp5: if s0 = 0 00316: 11...11111 -> 00307 then go to dsp3 00307: 1......1.. dsp3: 1 -> s8 00310: . if s5 = 0 00311: 11..11.111 -> 00315 then go to dsp5