Meet the HP-85 Personal Computing System
Your Hewlett-Packard 85 Personal Computer is a versatile, self-contained, personal computing device which enables you to preform a wide variety of useful and interesting functions. To mention just a few of the special features of your HP-85, you have the ability to:
       Perform calculations in a simple, straightforward manner—as if you had a calculator with dozens of mathematical and scientific functions.
       Compose programs in BASIC (Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) programming language. The HP-85 exceeds the latest American National Standard for Minimal BASIC. In many areas, the HP-85 includes enhancements to this standard. The built-in RAM (random access memory) to store your programs is 32K bytes (32,768 characters of information).
       Execute BASIC programs. After you have written your programs, they may be executed, often at the touch of one key. The HP-85 offers several typing aids to your program execution and control.
       Load and store programs and data on magnetic tape cartridge with the built-in tape drive. Thus you may permanently store your programs to be retrieved again, whenever you wish.
       Use the high-speed storage capacity of the built-in electronic disc, which initially holds 32K bytes of programs and data, expandable up to 544K bytes.
       List programs and data with the built-in thermal printer. Not only can you list programs, but you can copy anything that appears on the display onto the printer, to record and review your results.
       Perform graphics. The graphics capabilities of the HP-85 are sophisticated, yet easy to use. And again, anything that you can ‘‘draw’’ on the display can be transformed to hard copy with a single command: COPY.
       Edit, correct, and modify anything that appears on the display with tremendous ease. In fact, the HP-85 allows you to access and review 64 lines of characters on the display, and to edit them at your convenience.
       Use the HP-85B with plug-in ROMs (read-only memories) to control a variety of Hewlett-Packard peripherals, including disc drives, printers, plotters, and instruments.
How to Use This Manual
This handbook has been designed to enable you to use the utmost potential of your HP-85 Personal Computer and to answer your questions concerning BASIC programming with the HP-85.
If you just received your new HP-85 Personal Computer, read appendix B before you attempt to operate the system. Appendix B contains initial set-up instructions and other pertinent owner’s information.