3.   Set the HP-41C to the program you wish to write onto the card. (Press g GTO ยท ALPHA name ALPHA, supplying the name of the desired program.)
Hold the card face up and firmly insert track 1 of the card as shown.  
a.   If the program is longer than 16 registers (each track on a card holds a maximum of 16 registers), the HP-41C prompts you for the next track with  
    RDY kk OF nn  
    where kk is the number of the next track to be written and nn is the total number of tracks required to write the entire program to cards. (Notice that when you begin writing a program to cards, the HP-41C knows the total number of tracks required for that program.) Simply turn the card over and insert track 2 into the card reader as shown.  
    Pressing R/S,  , or turning the HP-41C off at this point will terminate the operation. Pressing any other keys will only cause the display to blink and the pressed function will not be executed. The RDY kk OF nn and CARD prompts will remain active for 10 minutes, at which time the operation is terminated.
  5.   The entire program, including current key assignments of labels in that program, is now written on the magnetic card and also remains loaded in the program memory of the calculator. The contents of all data storage registers, the stack, and ALPHA registers are unchanged.